In house Broadcast Creative Director responsible for the creation, production and implementation of Television, web, radio commercials and Infomercials.
Duties Included: Print and Broadcast Graphic Design, creative advertising, Videography. Writing, Directing, Editing, Sound Design/Editing, Photography, Storyboarding, Conceptualization, SPFX, Illustration.
Implementation and execution of over 90 television and 30 radio commercials in 26 different countries.
Commercials have been shown and parodied on television shows: The Simpsons, The View, Dr. Phil, Chelsey Lately, The Tonight Show, Howard Stern, Wanda Sykes, Hannity, Rachel Ray, Joy Behar, Larry King Live.
Superbowl XLIII Commercial
Helped company achieve the Canadian Fortune 500 in 2013
Winner of 6 different advertising awards.